residency OVERVIEW
Our residency program is fully accredited by the ACGME effective January 11, 2019 and offers our residents a high surgical volume with unique surgical experiences.
Program Mission
To prepare our graduates with comprehensive training in both the medical and surgical aspects of Otolaryngology, who are prepared to enter their professional careers and meet the challenges & opportunities of the modern health care environment in both the academic and community settings. We aim for them to become leaders in their community and conduct themselves in an ethical and professional manner.
Program Aims
a) To have residents, by time of graduation, log greater than the minimum and ideally at the median or higher number of Index Cases
b) To have 95% of our residency graduates achieve board certification within 2 years of graduation
c) To complete one quality improvement project prior to graduation
d) To complete at least one original research project from inception through ultimate presentation and publication
e) 100% of residents will have 2 scholarly presentations before graduating
f) 25% of graduates will go into academic practice
g) 20% of graduates will provide care to the citizens of FL
The Health Center at the University of Florida is a major referral center for the entire Southeast and a major center for scientific research. Colleges of medicine, nursing, pharmacy, dentistry, veterinary medicine, and health related professions are present on the campus. Shands Hospital and Shands Children’s Hospital at the University of Florida is a university type hospital which offers the entire spectrum of primary, secondary, and tertiary patient care. There are 576 licensed beds at Shands Hospital. There are over 28,000 emergency room visits a year and over 22,000 admissions.
The otolaryngology service sees over 33,417 clinic visits a year and performs 2,400 surgical procedures each year at Shands. The Veteran’s Administration Medical Center is located directly across the street and provides an additional 480 beds for patient care. The otolaryngology service has an annual surgical case load there of 450. The resident will spend approximately 70% of their time at Shands and 20% at the VA. The otolaryngology faculty covers both hospitals full time. The vast majority of resident training occurs at these two hospitals.
An otolaryngology library is available in addition to the College of Medicine Library. A microsurgery lab is present for resident training and computer access is provided.
faculty associates
We are fortunate to closely work with some outstanding clinical services including Anesthesiology, Radiology, and Radiation Oncology. Dr. Tony Mancuso in the Department of Radiology is clearly one of the premiere head and neck neuroradiologists in the United States and works very closely with our residents. The Department of Radiation Oncology is recognized as one of the top programs internationally in head and neck oncology which allows us to provide an outstanding multi-disciplinary management of cancer.
For a full list of our faculty associates, please see our Joint Faculty page.
Important Links
medical students
If you are interested in rotating with our department as a medical student, please visit our Medical Student site for more information.
Needlestick Hotline
After-hours assistance hotline: (866) 477-6824
- EMPLOYEES ANSWERING HOTLINE CALLS: Click here to access employee information and forms related to exposures.
Instructions if you have encountered an exposure:
- If you are a University of Florida employee located in Gainesville:
- For needlestick exposure, call (866) 477-6824 and click here to follow the after-hours online assistance instructions.
- If you are a University of Florida employee located outside of Gainesville, follow the resident institutions protocols. If in doubt, go directly to the nearest emergency room.
- If you are NOT a University of Florida employee, go directly to the nearest emergency room.
- If you are at the VA, go to the emergency room.